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Basic Data

Skibious Planet is located in the Beta Novus Star.

To get here you just need to travel about 100.567 million kilometers from earth to Skibiuos Planet, which is probably one of the most longer trips you have ever made, but it will be very comfortable with our space ship called the TURBO-098, which gives you an opportunity to research about all your duties during your sojourn to our community.

​Our calendar consist of  80 days per 20 months, a total of 1600 earth days per year. 

The Size of our planet is 7,898 km more compared to earth a total of 13,567 km for Skibiuos


the gravity of Skibious is the most intense in the Solar System. The gravity of Skibious is 4.5 times what it is here on Earth. If your weight on Earth is 55 kg, on Skibious will be 247.5 kg, which is an important amount compared to Earth, It’s  like you were a horse on Earth!


What makes this planet unique is the people, who are very friendly, helpful and they always want the best for you.

The surface of the planet is soft and purple, and our habitants are purple too, and all of this it’s because the gravity of the planet, you are so heavy that your blood turns to purple because of the pressure.

The last fact is that the most abundant material here is glitter which grows under the planet surface and It’s extracted with water at high temperatures and 23,5 L of oil at a low temperature.

Glitter is the most important thing on Skibiuos.


Basic Data
Biomes and Ecosystems

Biomes and Ecosystems


 On this planet there are different types of plants, some of them are medicinal, others are edible and others are poisonous. The most abundant plant in Skibious are the brilliant-purple plants that in some cases are poisonous, and in others, causes you a disease in which, passing the years you are becoming a creature of frost because these plants are made of a type of Frost that comes from below the surface of the planet. These plants possess frost from below the surface due to their process of photosynthesis very similar to the process of photosynthesis of plants on the Earth. When on the ground plants absorb water and minerals from beneath the surface in Skibious, plants absorb a viscous scum called purpulish, which is poisonous or allergic for some people. The purpulish ones have a violet color because their chlorophyll, which is responsible for absorbing sunlight, and therefore causes this type of pigmentation in the brilliant-purple plants. In Skibious exist a creatures that as mentioned before are made of frost because of the brilliant-purple plants, these creatures have different symptoms or as many call them "powers", the two most common symptoms are when the creature expels a sticky frost of its Hands, these creatures use this power to catch and convert other people like them, and the other symptoms is when instead of getting frosty viscose and sticky of the hands this expels a liquid frost which they use to remove the sticky frost that throw the hands.


Its origins go back to the Paleozoic era of the Earth, where our civilizations were just beginning to form, where the first child was born of a flower called Glitterscup whose properties were healing but poisonous, if the glow that sprouted exuberant and not because of illness, Could cause a serious illness called Glitterness, which consisted of a picture of purple rash and an ulcer that only cured over time; But if he used it as he was medicated, he could not only cure a flu but also revive a person.


The first skibiotic person was called Venuyun, which consisted of nothing but three heads, one legs and four eyes. In spite of having only one leg, could be mobilized around the planet easily since it consisted of 4 eyes that allowed him to see clearly its surroundings.


When the human civilizations of planet Earth began to evolve, the living beings of skibious were already fully installed and evolved, thanks to that the years in skibiuos pass slower and evolve faster.


Also the first ruler of skibious was called Carlui Jr. the minor son of King Carlii I. who was the first to inhabit the purple surface of Skibious. To the measure of the years Skinious has been able to integrate different types of alive beings, like plants, flowers, and frost. The only problem I had was that during 6 skibiotic years there was not a single living being.

Creatures and Plants

Its main source of sustenance are the lands, as we have explained, the flower glitterscup is symbol of eternity since this well-medicated flower serves to cure diseases and even to revive people in the future.
As we know an ecosystem is formed by a set of living organisms and the physical environment where they relate to each other.
Between them they form a very special harmonic space between the species, there are the animals that as we have mentioned are almost sacred because of their purity and loyalty, they are specially trained to stay in spaces where the environment needs them and vice versa. There is also the marine fauna that provides much of the food in Skbious as well as plantations of fruit pupures that give intelligence and health to its inhabitants.
In Skibious there are also deserts that are of vital importance to the Skibious ecosystem as it helps to balance the planet's temperature as well as on Earth. Its condition helps the formation of minerals that are of vital importance in the economic development of Skibious. There are a lot of life forms that inhabit these deserts and they make a great balance for life.
The shine that is extracted below the surface of the planet is extracted with water at high temperatures as we discussed in another subject and in the deserts have created a kind of thermal pools at very high temperatures so that the brightness can be extracted with bionic machinery. Skibious scientists estimate that 600 times more brightness can be extracted for the next decade if some of the technological advances they are creating are implemented.

Creatures and Plants

Economy and Trade

Its economy is rich in natural and mineral products. One of its greatest strengths is that its deserts and fields produce about 1000 times more than on Earth but with a third of fewer inhabitants. It means that their supply is incredible, and the great scientists always thinking about the future are after the search of the cryogenization of all this great quantity of products to ensure that future generations can continue to be supplied even if some natural phenomenon atmospheric that would ruin Its abundance.


Another great economic and commercial potential is based on its large Turbo-098 spacecraft that moves not only humans to the planet Skibious but also carries a hidden mission to the earth to select possible candidates to visit them on their planet as it happened with the Skbious Knight. These transfers produce a lot of wealth but the economy is measured not in silver or money as on Earth but in works of good. In addition, any violation of the rules of the Turbo - 098 ship is sanctioned with social tasks with which they must not only pay the fine but also learn the lesson and impart well - being.


They must remain in the community work for at least 3 Skibious years and then present to the Moral Power the results of the work. 


They have a duty to qualify their actions and thus amend what financially would be the fine imposed. If a person is sanctioned more than 3 times he will not be allowed to enter his planet anymore since he would be abusing the good customs and the tranquility of his planet. There is definitely nothing missing there.

Economy and Trade


Every 20 months is to say every 1600 Earth days are held elections of authorities in Skibious. The mandate is for men and women over 50 years of age since for them age is synonymous with experience, maturity and responsibility.


At this time the head of government is Thaiskabious Glitterken, 65 years old. It has the highest vote that any woman has ever had before on her planet. Because of his childhood, he promoted social sensibility, helping all those who needed it, he was dedicated to promoting dialogue and dedicated to give motivational talks to children from an early age. In addition, she has been one of the women who has made greater efforts to promote happiness from the schools of Skibious by proposing in the curriculum of studies of all schools the material happyskibious, obtaining that the congress has approved said request and beginning to give classes in that matter .


There are 3 unique powers on the planet Skibious: Moral Power, Executive Power and Legislative Power. The powers are appointed except the Executive every 5 months, that allows more skibiounos to participate in the important decisions of the planet.


In 4 months, Executive Elections will be held and re-election will not be allowed. There are 200 postulates for the next elections and the polling stations are automated from the homes, where they have technology through something similar to the internet of the Earth where they can exercise their vote. The results are automatic and within 20 minutes of voting, residents immediately know their results.



Big investments have been made in Sky to advance in technology Every day for that reason the great university of interest Glittersidad where impart deep knowledge on the technological advances that will guide to its planet until the maximum development never known.


One of its great potential as a planet is the discovery of the sheen extracted beneath the surface of the planet through high temperatures or procedures with oil at very low temperatures as well. In the same way they have been able to implement a bionic transport system with which they are transported virtually to each place being less exhausting and more effective the work that they wish to carry out in each task.


With respect to medicine glitter as has been said in other subjects is the fundamental basis of the health of the population of that planet because they can achieve to revive its inhabitants with this wonderful invention. The Glittercup was created by a powerful computer that recreated the fields and deserts of Skibious where it resulted in that the planting of this wonderful and curative flower would be the eternity and the health of them. Electricity in Skibious is no problem as solar energy is transformed into electricity that feeds all the networks of lighting of your planet distributed through fibers of roots of flowers of Glitter. 


A few months ago Skibious received from its president the highest distinction in invention, creativity and development for the Skibiousana nation otrog'nadole the planet's Honor Sheet



The language of skibious is a bit complex since it is due to the derivation of the Italian language, Arabic and English. Not only contains a high level of grammatical requirement, but also a perfect pronunciation so that each word can be clearly understood, and in this field it can be said that it is not very easy to learn this language, its grammar, its vocabulary and pronunciation .



Skibious is characterized by being a planet of happiness, its inhabitants unlike Earth do not know sadness or evil. All this thanks to his Skibiotic religion professes the common good based on the transmission of his own well-being. Its purpose is to give 150 smiles, 300 acknowledgments, 20 aids, 100 hugs and 30 weekly Glitterscup sowings. They contribute to the maintenance of the common good. The planet Skibious conceive the animals as part of the church as they consider that they are pure beings who bring a positive mission to Skibious.


There are temples that for us on earth would be like fields full of flowers, there it is and for them it is sacred land because besides part of those flowers (Glitterscup) that are planted is that it comes the beginning of its species. All flowers are purple and their derivatives due to their surface of the same color.


The faithful of the Skibiotic religion at birth fulfill a kind of generational compromise, it is a question of placing in the hands of the newborn a fist of purple earth that symbolizes "Earth purpeada" that would be for the earth as sacred Earth, when coming in contact with She, becomes free from evil, and her hair begins to transform into a Beautiful and bright purple hair. They believe in immortality and almost respect Skibiotic scientists as gods. Science and religion are closely linked.

Anchor 1


The concept of music for the habitants of Skibious is seen in another way, since due to the intense gravity and the sound which propagates in Skibious is so dense that the transfer of sound is almost null, which means that the sound is extremely slow.


Its language both communicational and musical is therefore as if we speak or listen in a very slow camera. It is their way of hearing and speaking. They are at a sonic frequency not comparable to that of Earth. However his concept of music is represented in a different way.


Every 2 months only the so-called virtuous gather in a bubble that belongs to the highest area of ​​the planet Skibious, is transparent and slightly colored purple. Only the virtuous get there. That bubble has the possibility of keeping the gravity much less dense than outside it, so the sound is transformed into a faster frequency that allows only within it to emit sounds more similar to those of the planet Earth.


Around the bubble all the habitants of the planet meet and although they do not listen to the sound that is trapped in the bubble if they enjoy the art to see them moving to the rhythm of their internal music. As everything is happiness in Skibious they sprout glitter which is the most precious on your planet. It only springs when the degree of happiness is extreme, which happens just every 2 months when attending that event. Pore ​​so is so expected.

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