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About five years ago I discovered thanks to a friend who had intended to do a good to a mysterious place that nobody knew about him. It was like traveling to the moon but with a totally different mechanism. It was a programmed and very mysterious trip that they planned only in the sea And that to accede to it you only managed to reach it if you swam to that place in the sea. It was a very risky feat but nevertheless caught my attention. I decided to start the adventure and I agreed with my family to achieve nothing to that place. When the day came for you very early in the morning and I said goodbye to all my brothers and my parents, it was a very sunny day on earth and with a brightness in the sun as I have seldom seen. Only a few managed to reach the goal. That day everything was in my favor the nature climate and not wanting to discover what would come later. When I arrived at the place, a ship emerged from the water, transparent as a bubble, with a light almost as bright as the sun. That light absorbed me like I was a vacuum cleaner And without realizing it, I gave myself inside.


Everything seemed a fantasy and also an adventure however I never imagined what was to come. After traveling for about 300 days we came upon a planet that is not known for its existence on earth called Skibious. One of the things that struck me most is that its color is beautiful is purple or purple as we call it here on earth and its inhabitants are also that color. The big difference is that there everyone is equal everyone is happy everyone is kind everyone is honest and everyone works for the common good. It is like arriving at what we would call on earth as a paradise. My reception was not traditional since the Skibiouans recognize each of the values ​​and feelings of their visitors. As my upbringing was strict but attached to morality and righteousness they immediately detected no good intentions and immediately welcomed me and called me Skibious's knight.


A big party that I did not expect was my welcome. They made a huge circle around me and began to move slowly and with a very soft sounds that for them are a welcome ritual for their guests. In the main square they also placed a big purple sign with my name written welcoming me but the sign is not like the ones on the ground is a sign made of flowers and glitter that they draw below the surface of the planet that is for us The humans as a sign of colored diamonds. A great dinner awaited me in which I should also give my words of thanks. It was difficult to create a speech to thank for making me know such a special place in the universe. After resting a couple of hours in beds made of leaves and crystals of brightness I woke up rejuvenated And with all the energy that in all my life I had not had. I thought for myself that I should talk about the good things I wanted to convey to them. I told them how wonderful it would be that they transmitted to the earth what they did there what they felt there and what they taught there. With an example like that of Sky God on earth things would be different. And we could attain or at least approach the happiness that humans so much seek and do not see. Today after having been named fallen gentleman I understand what my mission was to come here, which is none other than to learn from them and take their message to the tera


The first thing they did after that homage was to give me my clothes the clothes I would use on their planet. It was like a frame of purple glow with white flashes. A large giant leaf, symbolizing peace for them And a pet to accompany me wherever you go and protect me. Thus passed the days and I was acquiring all the wisdom and knowledge that transmitted to me was as if I had become a computer in which they stored information. And my visit would end when that memory had filled. After four years of training, coexistence, love and friendship came the day to bring my message to the earth. I was sad and happy at the same time because I would leave the planet wonderful week but I would also see my family again.


With an unforgettable ceremony I was fired in the same place you must arrive and the return unlike the trip was in seconds because it was coming back in time. When I came to realize I was back on earth to carry my message of love and peace. 


I want this appointment and this story to serve many happy and loving honest human beings better than I can someday reach this wonderful planet and also multiply the knowledge they gave me for the sake of our Terrestrial humanity.


And I dare say that there will be no better place to live in the future than skibious. My family every day at night sits with me to listen to this wonderful story that I share with you today and that I want to be multiplied and assimilated.


Every day there is something good to learn, so the great lesson of all this that this gentleman of Skibious is not only me, it is also you who have wonderful things to show, things to teach and much love to deliver. Our peoples must understand that there is no better state than that of Peace and goodness.


It is up to you and me to get closer every day to excellence, to the wonderfulness that we have before our eyes simply for allowing us to be here today.


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